Friday, October 09, 2009

A nice friday~ ^^

After work, I went to Penang with colleagues to have dinner with my ex-boss and her ex-subordinates at Bali Hai.

I guess the restaurant is famous with the seafood. However, I didn’t really enjoy the seafood… It was just because, I seldom eat steam fish when I’m at outside, and I don’t eat crab. However, I finished 2 bowls of shark fin soup!! Aha~ I just like it so much!! Yea, I’m sorry, I’m not an environmentalist. I just do and eat as what I like.

By the way, overall, it was a nice dinner session for all of us, I believe. Although I didn’t really enjoy the food, but I’m still full now, because of the 2 bowls of shark fin soup. :P And, I enjoyed the environment over there, the atmosphere, the people, the restaurant’s decoration, etc. It was a nice one! Unfortunately, I didn’t bring my own camera, and so… I didn’t have the chance to capture any photo of the restaurant, what a waste…

When I got back home, surprisingly, I saw my younger brother Hao, with his long long hair!! =.=" How can he be such a lazy guy until he has never cut his hair since this year’s Chinese New Year??

After looking at him, I noticed there was something in front of him!! Oh, gosh!! He has a pen tablet!! This was what I wished to have as my birthday present previously~~!! I went around to different shopping complexes just to search for this pen tablet tool, so that I could draw in notebook by just using a pen, but when I looked at the price, wow… RM650!! It was just too expensive for me to buy one for myself… Hao bought his one just for RM250. What a good price he got for his pen tablet… I want to have one for myself too… :( I will ask Hao to buy one for me from KL, and ask elder brother to bring back for me~~ Kekekeke~~

Here are the photos of his pen tablet~~ ^^

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