Personal Excellence -- I have followed this blog for quite a long time, but I didn’t really go through all the blog posts in it.
Today, while I was waiting for my car-pool mate to finish the class, I spared some time reading the posts carefully. And, I found out this program -- 21-Day Journaling Challenge! It is a simple challenge. Everyday, the owner of this blog, Celestine, posts a question on the blog. What we have to do is to answer the question posted so that to reflect what comes to our minds. Isn’t it simple enough?
It would be great if I could participate in this challenge! I knew that it has been closed for signing up, as I missed out the timing for signing up for the challenge. However, I still hope that I could participate in that, thus I’m just writing the journal here, to express my thoughts. Here, I would label all these posts as 21DJC!
I know I’m late for many days. They have started it off since 7 November, and today is already 18 November.
Today, the first question: What would you do if you have 1 million dollars?
Seriously, this is an old topic that we got for our essary writing since our primary school, in different languages, including Mandarin, Malay or English. Many people would say, in different ages, we have different thoughts, different feelings.
However, to me, I seem to have almost same thoughts since my childhood. What would I do if I have 1 million dollars? I would not quit what I’m doing now, would not invest in business, would not donate for charities. The only thing I would do is, I would save them into bank, and withdraw out bit by bit for travelling around the world!
This is not the whole of my dream, but if I would to have so much money, I would have many travels to different places. It is just to widen my mindset, widen my thought, widen my knowledge.
Yes, my answer is short, but it concludes my thinking. XD
That’s all for tonight. Tomorrow, I’m going to answer the next question. Phew~ it’s just like a table topic session in Toastmasters, I’m required to clear off my mind before writing, and straight away express whatever comes into my mind.
See you all! Good night, and happy weekend!