Wednesday, March 21, 2012

21DPC Day 20 – Who are 3 Positive People You Can Spend More Time With?

I wrote the post, but because my house’s internet was having problem, I delayed in posting up again… 悲伤

Who are 3 Positive People You Can Spend More Time With?

3 positive people that I can spend more time with:

  1. My lovely mom
  2. My best friend who just delivered a baby girl
  3. My good friend who always takes the initiative to date me out for meal 吐舌笑脸

Reach out to the 3 people you listed.

I have the plan to date them out in April because it will be my college’s semester break. Whereas for my mom, I always have chit chat with her, almost everyday, unless I come back home late.

Identify at least one positive thing about your day.

I had a date of meal with my net friend, a guy that I admire. 尴尬 However, this is only the second time that I met him although we have known each other for more than 6 years. We had good chat, good laugh together. Ha~ I felt nice when I was with him. Still, we are good friends for now. We are going to meet up again in April. This round, I will go to his city and he plan to bring me hanging out if he has the time. 大笑

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